Sudo also goes by the alias “Moggadeet,” under which name he sometimes performs illegal surgeries in secret. The story generally follows guest characters troubled by diseases or other concerns who go to see Sudo in each episode, making the series truly a “Black Jack of the near future.” One female humanoid says she wants to eliminate all her romantic emotions. The reason is that she has fallen in love with one of her female friends, and if she confesses her feelings, she is afraid she will lose the friendship she has now. Athlete humanoids, novelist humanoids, singer humanoids, and others are struggling with the limits of their talents, or with small changes to their senses stemming from a body replacement procedure, which only humanoids can undergo. Episodes are generally self-contained, but they are united by the thread of Sudo’s own circumstances, which are revealed gradually over time. Sudo was raised by a humanoid mother who was imprisoned due to her involvement in selling her own copied personality, which is illegal. Sudo’s goal is to find the copies of his mother. The first part of the original manga ends with Sudo leaving on a journey to find these copies.
Hikaru Sudo is a human doctor who specializes in treating humanoids, who come to him with various problems and worries. Although humanoids suffer from “diseases” like humans, there are “treatment” options available only to them. In a world where humans, humanoids, and robots live alongside one another in daily life, the protagonist is a human doctor who treats humanoids. This is a wide-ranging story that examines the problems that arise due to differences between human and humanoid perspectives, not by focusing on war, terrorism, murder, conspiracy, violence, or hatred, but instead on love and friendship.